Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Face

The girls and boys have been split in their own rooms for awhile now and everything is working out great.  Although every time I tucked F into her new lower bunk, she pointed to the bunk above her with an apprehensive face.  I tried to understand what she needed, but I never could.  I could see that she was pointing to a certain board above her and I thought she may have seen a spider crawl into the crack.  Spiders are common in this bedroom (E has quite the blood-curdling scream).

Last night, when she started pointing and acting weird, I actually got into her bed and saw what she could see:
The Face
Pretty spooky, no?  I asked F if it talked to her.  She said yes.  I asked her if the face was her friend.  She said, "It is NOT my FWEND!"  F is the third kid in my home that has slept in this bed and the first one to see this now obvious face.  And all those years M and I snuggled the bottom bunk kid to sleep, we never saw it either.  Happy Halloween!