Friday, February 25, 2011

Snow Day

February is traditionally my least favorite month.  If you go back to the beginning of my blog, you can find a post where I talk about how February makes me feel.  Usually around February 15th I cheer up because the month is half over!  Spring is coming closer!  A snow day is always a welcome change from the cold, gray days, but I'm not really enjoying this snow event.  Mostly because D is sick with a virus that has congested him.
 This one has her mother's sense, or lack, of style
Poor D is so congested that he can't nurse because he can't breathe through his nose.  This causes him to stop nursing to take a breath through his mouth.  Sometimes he tries to hold on at the same time with his teeth.  Which obviously causes me to jump.  So now he is on a nursing strike.  Which may lead to an early weaning.
"Princesses don't wear pants," F reminds me.
And not because I want him to wean, but because he doesn't want to come back.  I've been pumping and offering him a cup, but he doesn't want that either.  He is off his feed because of the illness, so hopefully this is temporary.  Sigh.  I've been rejected!  Wah!  Oh well, I'm sure we all will survive.  He does seem to have that GO-GO-GO! personality.
"What is everyone laughing at?"
Anyway, the other kids are enjoying the snow!  The local schools are on mid-winter break, so our activities are also on break.  I was supposed to take this time to focus on academics, but with the combination of sick baby and snow, the kids have been...playing and watching DVDs.
In the picture above, one boy is wearing snow pants and a jacket.  The other boy is wearing sweat pants and a sweat shirt.  I think the boy wearing the sweats figured out why we wear snow clothes in the snow:
Another fun thing for us in-house people is watching the birds come to the bird feeder.  We made bagel bird feeders in Cub Scouts and here is the proof the birds like them!
This little towhee has a seed stuck in his mouth!
We have also noticed that our old Christmas tree (that has now left the porch and has migrated closer to the burn pile) has served as nice habitat.  The birds hang out waiting for their turn at the bird feeder!
And, of course, our power went out.  FOUR TIMES last night.  Why?  Well, there is a piece of land along the main drag where the main power lines are.  In order to pay his taxes, the land owner sold the timber and clear cut.  Because of the laws that require leaving an aesthetic buffer along the road, trees that used to not have wind exposure are being tossed about.  Any time we have a wind event, the wind that used to be diffused through the forest is hitting old maples with rotten cores.  And those maples keep falling on the power lines.  This morning we boiled our coffee water on the camp stove I wisely bought myself for Christmas.  This was my other Christmas present to myself:
A mug that says, "Knitting keeps me from coming unraveled."  I can knit warm socks for my sick kids while drinking coffee when there is no power!  Now if that isn't a reason to cheer up, I don't know what is!