Monday, July 11, 2011

A New Milestone

D is 15 months old this week.  And I've reached another, "I don't know how I'm going to handle this" milestone. Apologies for the blurry pics... but when you have to take immediate pictures, you don't have time to fiddle with settings.
Climbing.  It started with the low things, like stairs.  Now he has moved on to bigger things, like the couch and the school room chairs.  He has fallen too...and scared the you-know-what out of us when he landed in the woodpile.
I'm mostly worried that he is going to fall off the chair with a pencil in his hand (I just can't seem to keep every. single. writing utensil out of reach) and land on the hard floor on his head and stab himself in the eye.
Or maybe I should just worry that he is going to trample everything in his path for the next two years!