Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ultra Concentrated Joy!

The other morning, I was enjoying some quiet time with my coffee and the latest Keepers of the Faith catalog.  I came across a description for a book called The Joy of Womanhood.  I have often read about and pondered the subject of finding joy in the every day monotony of housework.  I was slightly interested in this book and slightly interested in the 52-week Bible study aspect.  Later, as I was going about my day, I saw...
Ultra Concentrated Joy!  With Powerful Cleaning!  Amazing!  And in the top corner, the bottle promises that A Little Goes A Long Way!  Imagine that....a little ultra concentrated joy goes a long way...and it was sitting on my windowsill this whole time.  All I have to do is pour a little on my dishes and that Joy gets all the work done.  And guess what?  It works!  Remember the Sunday school song, "I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart..."