Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Tonight we launched rockets with our beloved Cub Scout pack.  And it was a very windy night.  Wind + Rockets + small field surrounded by tall trees = Many Lost Rockets.  So my boys had planned on not launching their rockets, just bringing them to the meeting.  But on the way there, the people with unmatched chromosomes decided they would take the risk and launch them anyway.  Whatever.
I mean, I don't really care that we spent $50 on rockets and engines and we were just going to blast them into the wind and get them stuck in trees.  The money is spent and isn't coming back no matter what they do with those darn things.  I had my fun building them.  They can destroy/lose them how they choose.
The boys had a blast.  Get it? Blast?  I crack myself up.  S's Hornet had a great flight and came down in a small tree that was easily reached.  By two boys.  One pulled the nose cone and the other pulled the body and the elastic cord that held them together broke.  And that was the one and only flight for the Hornet.
IJ's Alpha went so very high, but the nose cone did not come out.  So the rocket plummeted toward earth and slammed nose first into the parking lot.  Thank goodness no one was hit!  The rocket was bent and the nose cone pushed so far in the body we couldn't get it out.  And that was the one and only flight for the Alpha.
Hooray for Cub Scouts and Estes rockets!