Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Best and Worst Wednesday

The best part about having my own chickens?  Farm fresh eggs and meat.  The worst part? They stop laying in the winter and become expensive, stinky pets.  And coyotes, raccoons, and eagles try to eat them everyday so we are on constant predator alert.

The best part about having a Doberman? Everything is scared of her, including coyotes, raccoons, and door-to-door salesmen.  The worst part? She's scared of everything too and barks to alert us to airplanes, wind gusts, and friends sleeping on the couch for a sleepover.

The best part about heating with wood?  A nice, cozy atmosphere in the living room that cost only M's labor.  The worst part? The rest of the house is 50 degrees.

The best part about being married to an IT guy and having multiple computers?  I get to use his super-fast one while he has my old one tied up with some project.  The worst part?  All the pictures are on the old computer and I have none for this post:(