Tuesday, March 13, 2012


"Spring lets every season have a turn.  This morning, winter had a try." ~IJ
I did not pose the kids n' pets for this pic!
I've been sleeping on the couch because my evil cough is keeping M awake at night.  One of us should have a good night's sleep for this place to function and it hasn't been me!  He had to get up at 4:30 this morning, right on the heels of daylight savings so it felt more like 3:30.  How were we to know that F would wake up three times with nightmares and D wouldn't settle with M?  And that the dogs would bark all night because the cats were squabbling outside our bedroom window?
I don't know which one is scarier!
So once again, neither one slept.  After M left for work around 5:30, I fell back to sleep on the couch sitting up with D sprawled across his baby sister.  I woke up around 8:00 when F exclaimed, "Snow!"  What a surprise!  I saw nothing about snow on the National Weather Service website!  And here I was with no firewood in the house.  Luckily I have two strong sons who were more than happy to go out in the falling snow in their pajamas to "provide for their family."
Either today or tomorrow will be the day the drain field is finished and the backyard is leveled.  The snow-which has stopped and is melting-better not get in the way!