Sunday, November 24, 2013

Hot Potato!

Last night, Mark made the tastiest dinner ever!
This is a twice-baked potato with ham, bacon, onion, and serrano peppers, topped with melted cheese, avocado, and sour cream.  Oh my! It was worth waiting for!  So spicy and creamy! Mark has learned the hard way (several times now) to wear something on his hands when he chops hot peppers.  But his hand protection was too cumbersome last night, so he ended up accidentally rubbing spice oil into his eyes...  I told him if the baby was born last night, there was no way I was going to let him hold her!

She wasn't born.  However, things are starting to move in that direction.  Moving sloooowly, but moving nonetheless.  Mark and I were up by 6:00 AM getting loose ends tied up and by 8:30 we were starting to get bored.  Now it is 1:15 PM and we are wondering if this little girl is holding out to share a birthday with her grandpa!  Contractions are short and spaced far apart, so we have quite a while to go!