Friday, November 22, 2013

The Video Game Solution

Since I'm feeling a bit like a "watched pot" and the baby is overdue, I guess I'll blog every single day about something. Anything. Just so no one thinks I'm off in labor somewhere.
I've blogged so many times about our attempts to get Daniel to sleep in his own bed.  But this time, we finally have a solution!  Daniel is FINALLY sleeping alone in his bed in his room.  Just in time too!  There was no way we could have fit three co-sleepers with us!
I told him if he stayed in his bed all night and didn't wake me up, he could play video games in the morning after Shane wakes up to help him.  The funny thing is, he can't even play.  Shane does the playing, Daniel's character just walks around and gets killed by the computer player.  But it works, and works really well.  Daniel even took himself potty in the middle of the night without waking anyone up and stayed completely dry (I woke up because I'm a mom and the sounds of little feet padding around the house automatically wakes me up).  He got extra game time for the potty trip!

The flip side is that Daniel throws a temper tantrum when I say his time is over and we need to turn off the TV.  He throws the controller and screams, so I send him to his bed until he can stop screaming and crying.  The last two mornings, before he even starts playing, I gently remind him that he only gets to play for a little while.  "What happens when I say your turn is over?" 
"I get sent to bed?"