Friday, June 27, 2014

Laughing Like Crazy

Hey, I'm all about hands-on theme-based activities around here, but I draw the line at bath time.  I've come across a blog that combines bath time with book-based activities, complete with special bath toys, a bath time snack, and a story read aloud.  Not to get all Mama War or anything on anyone, but story time can wait until all WATER DANGER is far, far away from precious paper pages.  And we don't eat in the bath tub.  That's just weird.

Plus, I like to reserve bath time for moments when my kids look like this:

By the time my kids look like this, we are focused purely on scrubbing and getting out so the next one can get in.  

Here is another thing that made me laugh like crazy:

 This special potty, with personal TP roll, costs $65.  For $65 I can buy 65 of these:

...which work just as well.  Don't ask how I know.  I just do, okay?  Did I mention Lula is the fastest and smartest potty trainer I've had?  If she knows she can't get all the way down the hall, she finds the next best thing.  My carpet thanks her.