Friday, June 6, 2014


Keeping up with the paper end of homeschooling five kids is so overwhelming.  I've always tried to get the kids to entertain themselves and the youngers so I can have some "alone time" with the paper piles.  But there is just. so. much. paper.
Drawings and handwriting paper and summaries and drawings and more drawings and paintings and old printables.....

I have stacking file boxes that I stuff "keepers" in so I can make a portfolio of their work over the year, but for some reason, and I have no idea what that reason might be, I never get around to actually putting the keepers away into binders.  Hmmm....I wonder what keeps distracting me...

Yesterday I had a smack-my-head moment...why not make the kids make their own portfolios???

We all had so much fun going through old projects and funny drawings and other art projects.  And hopefully they learned a little discernment on what is considered a "keeper" and what should have never been created in the first place (one little scribbled picture in the middle of a piece of a paper? Waste!)

My school room still looks like a hurricane blew through it, but I'm not setting myself up for failure...I got one little corner cleaned out.  Hooray!