Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Daily Daniel

Glowing red from the blanket tent he and girls constructed
Daniel amazes me with his thought processes.  The other day, he crawled into my lap and asked if "gavity" worked on planes and birds.  Lucky for him, I've gone through the flying sciences with his brothers before, so I know all the answers to his questions.  He is a natural scientist, so I've been sneaking asking a question and forming a hypothesis into his play.  "What will happen if I throw this diaper in the air? Will gravity work on it?"  That made him laugh like crazy.  When I actually threw the diaper in the air, I thought he would fall over from laughing so hard.  And yes, gravity works on diapers.

Yesterday, while I was hanging laundry, he said, "Fat people are fat because they don't exercise.  I'm not fat because I exercise.  See?" and he starts doing some weird four year old version of exercise.  Then he looked at me and said, "You don't exercise."  What are you trying to say, Daniel?

And lastly, we are on another sign language kick.  Lula refuses to give up the binkie and talk (although she is speaking more and more each day), so we are watching a lot of Signing Time! movies and learning a lot of signs.  Daniel, while getting his morning snuggle, said, "This is the sign for I hate you.  First, you sign mad.  Then you sign hurt.  And then you sign more."  Wow.  Think about that for a minute.  He's four years old and can communicate what the phrase I hate you means to him.