Friday, July 25, 2014

Heidi [Eight Months Old]

My crazy little Heidi turns eight months old today!  I'm so thankful she was my seventh instead of my first...or second...or third.  Since I've seen my older kid's personalities develop, I know that Heidi is always going to be a spunky ball of fire.

She doesn't sit still very long, so most of my pictures of her are slightly blurry or show her getting ready to launch.  Her hair sticks straight up on top and is very fuzzy, which adds a little something to her look.  Last night, she kicked and wiggled, and I'm talking full on giant both-legs-at-one-time kicks, until she crashed to sleep around 10:30.  She immediately went into REM, so she was laughing and twitching in her sleep, but her eyes were wide open!  She has also discovered that the baby in the mirror does what she does.  Now that is entertaining! She even scared herself when the baby in the mirror screeched at her.  She is my first baby to be on a scheduled eating routine at eight months.  She loves her meats and veggies and cries if I don't have a loaded spoon waiting for her when she swallows.  She doesn't like to be away from me. Ever. So I better go get her off the porch now...