Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Heidi's First Birthday

People say it all the time, but seriously, I cannot believe how fast little ones go through their first year.  I cannot believe that Heidi is a year old today.  Enjoy our pictures!

I love Heidi's smile

I love Heidi's personality too!

My girls (Lula is pouting because Heidi is in Evie's lap.  Evie's lap is LULA'S lap.)

Sugar Cookie Porridge (Oatmeal never gets boring at my house)

Cups are the perfect present for a one year old.  No more bottles!

Big Girl!

But Lula wants the cups too!  Don't worry sweetheart, I got you new cups too!

Chocolate chip banana cake before frosting...

...and after frosting (yes, I had a piece but Mark didn't).

Party Hat!
I had the buy the party hats because when we were in the store buying plates for another birthday we have coming up, Lula, who has been mostly non verbal, pointed to the hats and started shouting, "Party hat! Party hat!"  She learned this phrase from Signing Time! and knows the signs, but I've never heard her say something like this.  It was too too cute.

My boys are so...photogenic?

Someone is tired of being in her high chair...the same high chair I sat in on MY first birthday!

First Bite!

Someone thought it was funny to put the hat on the dog...it was more funny that he left it on!
I hadn't planned on doing anything special today.  Tuesdays are my crazy days with two dance classes, a boy scout meeting, toddler time, Scoutreach, and Bible study.  Today ended up being a day where I had all seven kids with me all day running errands after Fiona's dance class/toddler time.  Heidi and Lula slept all afternoon in their car seats while I threw a cake together.  It was out of the oven by the time I needed to pick Ian up from Scoutreach and I had dinner leftovers and cake served by the time Mark left with Evie and the boys for dance and scouts.  It was a fun 15 minute party!