Sunday, November 9, 2014


Heidi just wants to climb mountains to be with her goats!  That is why she keeps getting stuck in strange places, I'm sure!  She is so incredibly adorable.  Which is why I'm so sad my camera finally died.  I'm missing out on the cutest age.  Well, I can't say that Heidi is the cutest age ever because I also really enjoy my preadolescent boys.  There is something amazing about how strong they are while they are pounding each other and breaking my furniture, yet how gently they can scoop up their baby sister and rescue her from harm.
Stuck on Mark's stretching machine
Now that the weekend is (partially) behind me, it is pretty safe to say that I've been productive.  I've always got a list a mile long, but I'm really good at making time for me.  Really good at it.  So far I've worked a few inches on Laura's Baby's blanket, a few inches on the first Christmas stocking for Ami's family, and finished off a cowl that served as a stash-busting project.  I sewed up the holes in the boys' pajamas (how do they destroy them so quickly?), turned a pair of pj pants that couldn't be fixed anymore into two diapers following this method, cut a giant soaker in half and made two soakers for the two new diapers, fixed the holes in Daniel's pillow case, and sewed a pull up for Lula.  I would have made two pull ups, but I'm missing one tiny little piece of the pattern and I need to focus my cleaning power somewhere else: The Kitchen Counters.
Stuck on Daniel's bed
I've decided to jump into a challenge (I'm seeing a new pattern of behavior emerge with challenges) all about keeping the counters clean.  All I need to do is clear them of everything, even the toaster and Vitamix, and keep it that way for two weeks.  The thought behind keeping everything put away is that the 15 seconds it takes to take the thing out of the cupboard and put it back is worth the rest of the 23 hours and 45 seconds of cleared counter mental peace and clarity.  We will see about that.  Some people are posting before and after pictures, but sadly, dead camera (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it).
Stuck on a stool.
This morning I found a bottle of Metmucil that expired ten years ago.  It was behind the loose tea leaves.  I think you all can guess that since I have only lived here for five years, I didn't put that Metmucil there.  But now it's gone (Mark joked that we should feed it to the chickens) and so is the tea and the bread basket moved off the counter and into that spot cupboard.  I guess the next time I spill my coffee, that area will be a lot easier to clean up!  My next job is to fold the five or so loads of laundry...and scrub out the fridge.  Ever since Mark joined me on the Whole30 (and then Kai got neutered and we ran out of money) the fridges have been strangely empty.  We managed to run out of everything!  Today is a perfect day for work.