Saturday, September 26, 2015

Double Trouble

Lula and Heidi are quite the team.  I thought I had the whole sibling relationship thing figured out until these two.  They are just learning how to play together, but they are still better at competing against each other.  When Lula is crying (or Jason for that matter), Heidi starts in too, looking at Lula out of the corner of her eye to make sure she herself is getting the attention.  They fight over clothes already, Heidi taking her cues on what is cute and pretty from Lula (who takes her cues from princesses and monkeys).  I can't tell you how many times I've broken up a tug-o-war match over a certain blue tutu. And underpants, even though Heidi isn't potty trained.  And shoes. Lula wears size 8, Heidi wears size 6.  I have 9 and 7.  Lula squeezes her feet into the 7's and thinks they are hers, but really they are Heidi's.  I've started hiding things after they go to sleep...
Lula and her bathing suit (hidden) Heidi wearing Lula's shirt as a dress.

Playing tea party together!

You can see the sister resemblance here!

Lula is going through a phase where she doesn't want to sleep alone.  She's convinced there are spiders in her bed.  Lucky for her she has three sisters that will rotate sleeping with her.  We never make anyone sleep with her; in a large family where siblings share rooms, the bed is an individual's own special place.  If Genevieve or Fiona want to share, that is completely up to them.  The night Lula slept with Heidi, neither one wanted a snuggle buddy.  Heidi was fine with it as long as Lula didn't take her pillow or her favorite spot in the bed!

They will watch movies together because they turn into zombies.  But before the movie starts we hear, "COW!" and "NO! I want to watch Curious George!"  Cow is Heidi's word for Baby Einstein.

The picture above shows three problems in one.  They were fighting over who got to look at the baby.  So Heidi stood on a box so she could see better.  Then Lula put her foot on Heidi's box and made Heidi mad.  So she hit Lula with her baby doll.  Plus Lula is wearing the red skirt with white polka dots.  This fits both of them (especially when Heidi is wearing a fat diaper) so it is also something they tug back and forth.  When Ian and Shane hit this phase (they were 15 months apart in age) and both wanted the Thomas train, we just went to the store and bought two of everything.  I don't know if I can find two red skirts with white polka dots.

Is this rivalry a problem of too many kids and not enough love? Heck, no! We are swimming in love around here!  I know for a fact there are just some personalities, phases, and transitions that need a little more time, a little more patience, and a little more grace.  Two little girls that remind me of my sister and I that are only 16 months apart in age two months after a baby brother has usurped their mother's lap? They definitely need some extra grace!