Thursday, September 3, 2015

Finding Joy

This is hard.  Starting school. Motivating teens who don't want to be home. Weaning a baby off formula now that he is through his growth spurt. Establishing a new routine without all the pieces of the puzzle.  Quitting sugar (again).  Having a stronger will than the strongest will ever known to 5 year olds. Creating Whole30 approved meals that appeal to both adults and children out of what is in the house. Doing the cooking, cleaning, laundry, typing, and phone calls with a baby in one arm. Doing it all by getting up at 6:00 AM every morning whether or not I was awake for two hours with a baby who just wanted to smile at the lamp.  It's hard.  These pictures of Lula sum up what it is like when someone says, "Smile," or anything else inspirational that is supposed to help me "do it all."


I can't

I can't
 You mean you won't. You need to find some way to smile.

How's this?
Thank you, Lula Joy, for bringing laughter into our day.  (She watched the Jungle Book the other night and insisted that Mowgli was actually Pocahontas as a little girl)