Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Robo Mom!

Dear diary, This is the first time I've tried to blog from my phone. It seems to be working! It won't be long before I completelylose my ability to touch type and I can only wrote words by stopping my fingeracross my phone screen,  mispronounced accepted. (Errors left as appeared)why blog on my phone? It is easier to do that while attacked to a reluctant nursery and an almost two year old. Of course the formatting isn't what I like,  but hey! You can't have your cake and rest out too !anyway, today is going to be crazy busy. I'm meeting for different people for Buy Nothing finds/offers, Ian had his writing class, the girls have their art class, I'm hoping to do some grocery store training with my double trouble team, and there is always spots on Tuesday.

 oh my gosh, the autocorrect is hilarious.

I'll just leave that entry for giggles.  Back to the computer. Whew!

This is a mama spider with baby spiders all over her abdomen. She lives with Sheldon the tortoise.

Ian would like to report he got an A+ on one of his assignments for his writing class.  I would like to report that I didn't get any shopping done, but I did buy some juice boxes after Heidi fell out of the van, landing like a sky diver that whose parachute didn't open. Ian also celebrated National Coffee Day with his first cup of black coffee that he actually had permission to drink (the one he had at the Cub Scout Blue and Gold banquet doesn't count).  My baby is growing up so fast!

Yesterday was our first MOPS playgroup day.  I drank three big cups of coffee with hazelnut creamer while there.  It was like a mom version of drinking too much at the bars.  Yesterday afternoon was our first day back at Homeschool PE at the YMCA. I took eight kids. It was a piece of cake. This time! But by the time I came home, the coffee had all worn off and I felt like I had the mom version of a hangover. Water and Tylonel and the earliest bedtime I could manage helped.

Genevieve, inspired by the art class, set up the watercolors for herself and her siblings.
The local artist community has put together some free art classes for the homeschoolers on the KP.  Last week and today, we spent an hour at the library painting with water colors.  Genevieve and Fiona really enjoy this class.  I have been sitting in our tiny children's section of the library with Lula, Heidi, and Jason.  The idea of being in a library with no child-friendly bathrooms is kinda scary.  Lula likes to push all the books deep into the shelves while Heidi likes to pull them down.  Trying to feed Jason to keep him from crying while the girls are in various stages of book vandalism is something I can only do for about 20 minutes (why do they keep crayons near books?).  Today I managed the three little ones for 40 minutes before we went out to the van.  I had to really think through my exit strategy before I put it into action. I had cookies in the van, books to check out, a baby that didn't want to be put down, a double stroller to manage, and two diapers that needed changing badly.  But I made it with no tears, from myself or the little ones. I was able to load the three littles with clean pants into the van by the time the art class was finished! Yay me!

It was a long, exhausting day with just these two short trips into town. BUT I'm making progress with getting out and about with little people. Tomorrow is another YMCA day and then I get to stay home for four days in a row!