Saturday, January 21, 2017

Lula talks about her Dad

Lula: Mom, why is there a bathroom right next to your room?
Me: That is called a Master Bathroom because it is in the Master Bedroom
Lula: Is Dad...the...Master..... Bath-er? (think Master Builder from The Lego Movie)
Me: Bath taker? Yes, Dad is a Master Bath Taker
Lula: I though he was just my dad

He stole something and wouldn't stop talking about it-according to Lula

Lula: I'm hungry
Me: Make some toast
Lula: But toast makes me FAT!
Me: Where did you hear that?
Lula: Dad said it.  I had a dream that Dad was eating TURKEY GUTS! He was eating a TURKEY HEART!
Me: That wasn't a dream sweetie

Lula and Heidi got some generic Lego Duplos for Christmas and Lula has scattered them all over the house.  She had this amazing set up.  She had jewel types, gold types, steel types, diamond types, rectangle types, and crystal types all sorted out into different containers.  Then Jason came and ruined it.