Thursday, January 19, 2017

Toddler Tornado

Sometimes I go back and read old posts, just so I can remember things more clearly. Like Fiona as a toddler. Like Daniel as a toddler.  And Lula as a toddler.  And Heidi as a toddler.  This all helps me keep Jason as a toddler in perspective.  If such a thing is possible. I survived the others, right?
Decided he wanted a bath with Heidi
He is 18 months old.  He can sing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, ABC's, and Jingle Bells.  He claps his hands When He's Happy and He Knows it.  He'll say Mama and Dada when we ask him to, but he doesn't call me Mama, he just cries.  He says Uh Oh when he drops something.  He says Here! when he hands us things, but it sounds like He-Ah!  He says yuck and gives me slimy kisses because he's had a snotty nose since Christmas.

He got finger marks in my birthday cake (I'm finally 40!)
He loves hair.  Specifically, my hair and Genna's hair.  He uses it as a comfort object/rope.  I'm not kidding people. When either one of us picks him up, he twines his fingers in our hair and hangs on tight, just to make sure we don't put him down. And there is no putting him down if he doesn't want down.  Sometimes I go days without putting him down.  He can't sleep unless he has his legs thrown over mine, so he will wake up if I get out of bed for any reason.  He wakes up the minute I try to sneak away during nap time.  Just like Daniel used to.

I used to think sorting things pulled from a cupboard was a sign of genius
Just when I think it's safe to take a breath and feel "normal" for the first time since Ian was born, he climbs up on a chair or empties another shelf.  One would think I wouldn't have shelves left after eight kids.  He won't stay off the school table either.  I still can't keep Heidi off the school table.  He split his lip last week dropping a can of green beans on his face.  He is always into EVERYTHING. Just like...Daniel.

Why, yes, peanut butter on a whisk is a great toy!
He is driving me CRAZY! And based on what I've read about my other kids, he is on a Daniel track.  That right there makes me want to cry.  Can I handle another Daniel?

Stuffing knives into a milk jug
Just while writing this post, he has fallen off the counter, stuffed a coffee cup with a jar of baby food and an unopened can of sardines, touched Jack's yucky spot, climbed on the desk a few times, bit my shoulder, climbed on the table, and shook my baby gate until I'm sure it won't last another week.  Then he and Heidi pushed a chair up to the stove to steal cookies.

I surrender