Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Lula is FIVE

Oh my, how quickly time flies.  Lula turned five on Monday, the first day of VBS.  I wanted to invite a little friend of hers over for cake, but Jason was sick for six whole days and the house still hasn't recovered.

Lula drew a picture of what she wanted her cake to look like.  It had rainbow stripes and we were going to make them out of Skittles and M&Ms.  Since I held Jason in my arms for six straight days and nights, I had to order a Costco rainbow cake. I got the order in fifteen minutes before the closed on Sunday and picked it up two hours after they opened on Monday.  That's some serious customer service.

 Lula is my mini me when it comes to sharing her birthday presents with her sister...

"Heidi! Don't LOOK at my presents!"

She loves free form art projects, so she got her own sets of markers and paper to cut, color, and glue to her heart's content.