Sunday, July 23, 2017

Summer Fest 2017

I can't remember if Summer Fest really is the name of the latest vaulting competition, but for this post, it will suffice.  We were in Auburn, so not too far away, it was 85 degrees, and I had to bring Jason, Heidi, and Lula.  Thankfully, I brought Fiona too.  She was a great help.

We found a patch of grass, shaded by trees, that had a circle of sidewalk around it.  I felt like this little area was designed JUST FOR ME because I brought bikes for the little kids to ride.

Lula cracked me up with her bike poses.  You should see her water dance and her wind dance too.  She has a lot of creative energy.

The funniest/worst part of the day was the potty issue.  Heidi and Lula refuse to use porta-potties.  We were there for six hours and this was their only choice.  Every time they had to go, we would walk across the hot parking lot and look inside.  The girls would see the pile getting higher and higher and freak out and refuse to go again.  By the end of the day, when they couldn't hold it a second longer, and it couldn't get a degree hotter in there....they finally broke down.

Jason ended up spiking a fever when we were there!  Lula had a fever a few days before that, so I shouldn't be that surprised.  But it was already hot, so wearing his hot little body in an Ergo backpack wasn't very comfortable for either of us.  But at least he was lethargic enough that I didn't have to drag him out of the viewing area of the arena.  I actually got to watch several other girls compete, not just Genna.

Our girl brought home a blue ribbon for compulsories and a fourth place ribbon for freestyle.  Combined, she received second overall.  Her #1 competitor beat her and everyone else in freestyle.  It looks like she decided Genevieve Downen wasn't going to beat her again and she creamed them all!  Genevieve got 1st by the skin of her teeth, so the close scores in compulsory and the amazing freestyle score gave Ms. #1 Competitor First Place overall.  Competition is good.

