Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Water Safety

Having the pond on the property is not something we take lightly.  When Daniel was an adventurous tyke, Ian made up a story about The Blobber Fish About This Big (hold your arms out as far as they can go).  Daniel never went to the pond alone.

We've got another batch of little swimmers this summer and we require they always wear a life jacket, even if they are not going on the paddle boards.  Mark always checks to make sure they are adjusted correctly.

Last week, Ian and I found a turtle on the road.  I pulled over and "rescued" it. After we researched the variety of turtle, we decided to let it go in the pond.  Ian told Lula that it would bite her toes off if she went in the pond by herself.

So when she fell off the paddle board....

...and totally freaked out and needed to be rescued...

...even though she could touch the ground... (Daniel was quick to paddle to her as fast as he could)... was all because she thought the turtle was going to bite her.  She swallowed half the pond screaming and got a great introduction on how to float with a life jacket on.