Monday, April 20, 2009

The Big Dent

Today as S was racing to get out of the bath before Taekwondo, he slipped on his still soapy feet and fell. He split his chin. He hit the garbage can so hard he left a BIG DENT! So no Taekwondo today. And since I didn't feel like rushing to the ER to spend $75 waiting to have stitches put in five hours later, I simply made an after hours appointment with my pediatrician. While we wait for our 8:00 pm appointment, we are playing outside in the wonderful Spring evening. A perfect time to capture my backyard dwellers with the digital camera....Isn't this little fairy wearing the cutest hair clip (an earwig)? Or is she a troll with that finger up her nose? I will be using this picture as blackmail when she is 14 years old.