Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mosaic Monday

Mosaic is defined as an art form which uses small pieces of materials placed together to create a unified whole. Yesterday was filled with pretty little pieces that created a crazy, but completely survivable day. My Mosaic Day (isn't that poetic? haha). The morning started out pretty slow, with IJ and I getting most of our schoolwork out of the way by the time the backyard warmed up. The kids played outside a lot. I'm back into hanging my laundry to dry in the sun; yesterday was perfect for that! Sunny days are when we toss the book learnin' and get down an' dirty with nature studies.

I also decided it was a good day to make some crafts with the kids: mosaics. It tied in with our current study of Ancient Rome. We glued pieces of paper to poster board. I learned that doing mosiacs with kids is not for the faint of heart. Or the perfectionist. Glueing tiny little squares on paper can be very overwhelming for the person who likes things neat and orderly. Even I was overwhelmed and stayed up late working on my piece of art! And look at my table: And this is this morning! The floor is worse. M nearly died last night when he got home and saw the colossal mess.

But back to yesterday. We had Taekwondo, Cub Scouts, the car started acting funny, more Taekwondo, Masons, and my sister had a baby! Look at this gorgeous little girl! She arrived a month early, but she is just fine. She is the real work of art!