Sunday, July 26, 2009

One Expensive Week

Some families go on vacation to Disneyland. Some go to Europe. Some tour the National Parks across the US. We go to our Hometown. For one whole week, the kids and I stayed at the motel, swam in the pool, ate at Denny's, and played with our friends all day. All so the boys could participate in a Taekwondo Camp. Normally a belt level consists of two months of classes with plenty of time to earn stripes for their belts and time to memorize the test questions. We did it all in one short week (except memorize test questions. I couldn't do that to my kids. The questions are long, hard, and there are five of them. We do it in three weeks, but not in two days).

After lodging, meals, gas, etc. these turned out to be the most expensive belts in our collection. But if you write it off as vacation, well, we did alright. And we are doing it again in two weeks! But this time I get to bring home a new kitten!