Friday, July 31, 2009

My Sears Rant

What is it with me and rotten customer service???

Three weeks ago we had to buy a new refrigerator and a new dishwasher. And considering my experience with broken dishwashers in the past, I was reluctant to deal with Sears again. But we gave them our money anyway.

Our appliances were to be delivered yesterday. Yesterday came and went and no appliances showed up. Two guys trying to sell us windows and siding showed up (which was weird; we don't exactly live in a door-to-door sales area), but no appliances. Which wouldn't be that big of a deal, except our old refrigerator was going to be hauled away today.

So here I am, old avocado refrigerator gone and no new refrigerator. Luckily we have a back up refrigerator (only in this family would we have a back up anything-honestly, I don't think the men in this family are able to throw anything away). But Sears doesn't know that, so we are getting a partial refund for the inconvenience of living with food on our counter and hand-washing dishes for a week. I can deal with that.

The best part was being forced to shave down our condiment collection down to what could fit into one refrigerator. Did I mention the men in this family have a hard time throwing things away? And they love tasty food? So much that I have eleven varieties of mustard? Four varieties of olives? Three pickles? Two flavors of shaved ginger! And I can't even count the bottles of hot sauce.

Now look at how cute this is: F has a new buddy. She picks little things up off the floor and brings them to her Grandad. He always says, "I don't want this! I'm not the garbage can!" But he will hang on to whatever little scrap she gifts him with. And this morning I left her crying in the kitchen while I took out the compost. When I came back inside, she was snuggling on her Grandad's shoulder, like she found the greatest, bestest Teddy Bear in the whole world. When M and I were trying to squeeze the "back up"refrigerator through the door leading into the kitchen, Grandad called to F to, "come here; get out of the way!" and she ran to him and climbed up into his lap to watch. When she snuggles with him, you can tell she truely loves him. You can see that us living here and making him miserable is totally worth it!