Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Baby IS the Lesson

I went to a great homeschool presentation about the different kinds of homeschooling styles last Spring. My favorite presentation was done by a mom of nine children and how she manages to juggle all her school age kids and toddlers and babies. Her philosophy: The baby is the lesson. Not necessarily the physical baby body, but the act of patience while including them in the homeschool and valuing their presence as a member of the family. If I treat the baby or toddler as an annoyance, the older kids will treat them the same way. I thought of that this morning when I saw this: IJ is only seven years old, but has enough patience and love in his heart to allow his baby sister sit on his lap and color on his flash cards (which are incredibly boring and easy, but that's life!)

This is how I juggle my baby and preschool aged child with my two school age boys: I take everything on a moment by moment basis. Yesterday, the kids not being actively schooled played with Cuisinaire Rods (E is showing off her "Mosaic Cake"): Today E played with the kitties and the boys took turns playing Legos. And doing push ups if they were not listening (S did ten, IJ did five). F climbed on us, played with kitties, and snacked on melon with Grandad.

I do try to keep everyone together while we are schooling. I learned that S and E pick up information even when I'm not speaking directly to them. E has a box of preschool-type activities and can play with our math manipulatives. And since they are all right here in one room, they can't get in to as much trouble as they could back in the playroom (which is where I send them when they are too disruptive).