Tuesday, October 13, 2009

F is Funny

F is starting to talk really well and entertain her family with the funny things she says. She hears all the things her siblings say and copies them. Here is a quick list off the top of my head:

She was given carrot juice when she wanted orange juice. She grimaced, held her cup to me and whined, "Spicy!" Carrot juice is not spicy, but she hears her siblings whine that their dinner is too spicy.She tried to pick up our swimming bag at the YMCA and said, "Heavy!"

When I hand her something, I always say, "Thank you, Mama!" so she will learn manners. Now whenever she is handed something or she hands something to someone else, she says, "Kyo, Mama!"

In the car over the weekend, F started fussing and saying "Owie, owie. Bo'm owie!" which translates to "My bottom has an owie." I asked, "Did you go potty? Are you poopy?" to which she replied, "No! Pee-pee!" Yay! We can have a real conversation and F can communicate her needs to me!

And last night I spilled a little milk on the table (I hate Costco milk containers). F saw the spill, pointed to it, and frowned and said, "Uh-oh! Uh-oh! Wha' a BIG MESTH!" Her first sentence!

But the cutest thing is the way she says, "yesth!"