Friday, October 2, 2009

Mango Sandwiches

I've been experimenting with healthy nut and vegetable based recipes lately from the book Disease-Proof Your Child by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. I'm especially fond of the recipes that use my Vita-Mix! Yesterday I made Carob Avocado Cream Pie. I liked it because I like carob, but I think my kids would like it better if I made it with cocoa. The crust was made out of ground cashews, unsweetened coconut, and dates. The creamy filling was carob powder, avocado, and more cashews and dates. The cream pie is a lot like a pudding pie, but good for you!

Last night I made a heart-healthy coleslaw with mashed potatoes as a creamy base instead of mayo. And tons of veggies. When Grandad claimed that the oils in the mayo were good for him I said, "Don't worry! There is healthy oil in this too! Flax and olive. But no extra weird ingredients!" Score: me 1, Grandad 0!

This morning I made my usual Pumpkin Pie Porridge (a winter favorite), but I added cashew "whipped cream." The recipe in the book calls for macadamia nuts, but I don't have any. So I used cashews instead, ground with soy milk and dates. It was awesome!

For lunch I took the leftover "whipped cream" and added a banana and an avocado. I spread it in pita bread with sliced mango, which IJ gobbled down as "baby martin food." The spread is sweet and will be good to use as a dip this afternoon.

I'm glad my kids are young enough that all food is weird at first and they are not set in their ways of eating. And I'm glad they like green things. F saw me making the sandwich spread and started jumping around saying, "Ah-ca-co! Ah-ca-co!" for avocado!

And speaking of F speaking... and being on my blog... She has a new name for the dog. Dummy. F will point out the window to the dog, proclaim, "Dummy!" and smile. What a good little girl!