Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Birthday 2011

Did you know my favorite number is 11?  And that this year my birthday is 1-11-11?  One would think that this day would go flawlessly because it is my lucky number day.  But I turned 34, not 33 and it isn't 11-11-11.  So a few things can go wrong, right?
Birthday Present #1: New Pantry Shelves
 The old shelves and the handsome man who got rid of them for me!
Wrong things included having to leave the house when I planned to stay home all day.  But I had two egg customers and a past due check to drop off and a library book I couldn't renew.  I decided that I could indulge in a little birthday shopping too... not bad!
 A beautiful dress I made with Birthday Present #2, my new sewing machine!
I had a dead van battery when I wanted to go to JoAnn...but then I got to leave three kids home with Grandad and drive the new car instead...so that's good.
 And the not-so-beautiful bug that tried to move in!
And then there was the crying spell while waiting for my fabric to be cut.  Which ended up being a dirty diaper that had to be removed the very instant it was discovered.  Otherwise the windows would have shattered from the ear-piercing shrieks.  And since I didn't have any spare diapers with me because I was driving a different car, I had to buy some diaper fabric too (and carry my nakey-bottom boy to the car).  So again, not so bad.
A little sewing before dinner...
And then, lo and behold, just when I give up any hope of seeing snow, I see:
Our Christmas tree!  Yes, still on the porch.  In it's stand.  We haven't put it on the priority list yet.
My Boys, playing in the snowAt bedtime.
And the best part of my day (besides dinner) was:
A little peace and quiet