Friday, January 7, 2011

A Week in Review: Success!

"Pick on someone your own size!"

How do I measure how successful a week went?  By whether or not we do an art project on Friday!  I may not have done everything that needed to be done, but I am very happy with what I did get done!
Three injuries: cut knee (S), and two cut fingers (IJ-razor blade loose in junk drawer, M-plumbing project)

First, Grandad's appointment went well.  He bounced right back after he got home from the procedure.  He blamed his flu shot for how sick he had been, but I think the stress of his upcoming appointment was what really made him sick.  As soon as he got home, he went right back to sending us down rabbit holes.  And eating cheese, you know, to build his strength back.  And boy was he happy last night when I brought home some quince jelly, along with the news that a friend has a quince tree in her yard and will order him some malokhyia seeds for the spring!  Rabbit holes, people.
Thanks to the weather and the improperly vented attic, we have a lot of these.  Not too happy about that!  But at least we know what our next home improvement project is.  And can you believe we ran our well dry last night?  We have moisture dripping from the light fixtures, mold in the closets, and its pouring down rain, but we still managed to run the well dry when we forgot to turn off the hose after watering the chickens.
Sigh...isn't she pretty?  We had an emergency on Wednesday morning that put our leaky house waaaaay down the priority list.  What could possibly be more important than a rotting roof falling on our heads?
This.  IJ has gone without his rank patches for far too long.  M tried to glue the patches to IJ's uniform using the glue I use for Cub Scout segments on Tuesday.  He carefully aligned the patches with plenty of glue and stacked about five encyclopedias on top.  Wednesday morning he found that the patches were glued upside down to the encyclopedia and there was nothing but a nasty glue stain on IJ's shirt.  I (sweetly and calmly) said, "I can be ready to go to the sewing machine store in 20 minutes, be home by noon, and have those patches sewn on by 2:30.  It is my birthday next week."
E joined her dad and brothers at the dojang!  Can you believe she is 5 years old, can read, and is now a white belt?
We've also been making our own bread...bread sticks and pizza I mean.  And it's not whole wheat, just all purpose flour.  And so good!  And now...the measure of the week....the art project!
S and E are learning about animal habitats (yawn), so today we focused on the Artic Tundra and made Northern Lights paintings and IJ will eventually make some snowy owl puppets.
You basically drip paint on wax paper, add another sheet of wax paper on top, and smear the paint with a Popsicle stick.

After the paint dries, mount on dark construction paper.
And success!  Happy Friday!