Friday, September 23, 2011


Summer is over.  Yahoo!  I am a PNW girl to the core.  I love spring and I love autumn.  Winter is too gray (it would be different if it snowed here).  Summer is too hot.
I am celebrating by making pumpkin porridge carbonara and sharing my secret trick with you.  My secret that I learned from my husband, so I guess it is his secret.  Pumpkin porridge is easy to make.  You just add some canned pumpkin after the porridge is done cooking and whatever spices and sweetener you like.  Today I added cinnamon, cloves, and brown sugar.  Now comes the fun part.  Take an egg (or more) and blend it smooth.  My Super M can whip eggs with a wire whisk as well as I can with the blender.  So I used my VitaMix.  Then slowly add the egg(s) in a drizzle and stir the hot porridge quickly, like you are making a hollandaise sauce.  The eggs cook without coagulating and making the porridge so creamy, like a custard!  Yum, yum, yum!