Saturday, September 10, 2011

The New Nap

Or Like Father, Like Son.

Ever since D weaned, I haven't figured out how to get him to go to sleep.  M has the magic touch though.  He just sits down at the computer, cranks up the tunes, and D falls right to sleep.  I'm not all that interested in listening to music.  Most of it I like, but I can't really listen to music and listen for child-related emergencies at the same time.  But never fear!  I found a solution!  Headphones!
Don't ya wanna just kiss that face?
D, wearing his "I Love Daddy" T-shirt, falls peacefully asleep listening to music, while I check my email and favorite blogs.  Today's afternoon nap is brought to you by Enya.  He also loves The Rolling Stones and Supertramp.  I once tried the Beatles, but he just wriggled out of my lap and ran away.