Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day of the Dummies

I went to three stores today: Home Depot, Costco, and Albertson's.  All I saw were dummies.  Dummy is too tame a word for the people I saw, but I try to keep this blog family friendly.

At Home Depot, I bought 14 rolls of sod.  I asked for help loading the sod in my van because I am obviously nine months pregnant and I am in no way interested in bending over to pick up dirty things and having them squish my belly.  There were two perfectly able women working in the nursery, but neither one would load the sod.  They had to call a guy from plumbing to come load the sod.  And it wasn't like the sod was even heavy!  Meanwhile, I had to stand in the rain with the back of my van open in the middle of the road.  One of the women walked by me and said, "Oh, no one is here yet? I'm sure he'll be here soon." and kept walking.  Seriously??? If I weren't nine months pregnant, I would have loaded the sod myself!

Next stop was Costco.  There were three carts in front of the store.  Three perfectly-able men who could see that I am obviously nine months pregnant took all three carts even though they looked straight at me!  But it was more like looking straight through me.  I had to walk all the way around to the side of the store to get myself a cart...where another man didn't offer me the cart he just dislodged and neither did the skinny woman in her workout clothes.  What is with these rude people?!?  Inside the store, there was a cute old couple, each in their own little motor scooter carts.  But then they parked side-by-side, blocking the entire aisle, got out of their scooters, and started filling their baskets with snack foods.  Seriously??? Couldn't they parallel park so the lady who is obviously nine months pregnant wouldn't have to turn her cart around and go a different way???

And then there was Albertson's.  Another couple with their toddler-aged child was in the produce section.  With their bike and attached jogging stroller. Seriously??? IN THE STORE?  I wanted to say, "Excuse me, the rest of us left our vehicles in the parking lot so we wouldn't block the aisles.  Haven't you heard of a shopping cart?"  I stared at them in grouchy disbelief until another woman caught my eye.  She rolled her eyes, I shrugged, and we both turned our carts around and went a different way.  Now, don't get me wrong.  I love bike commuting and relied on my bike as my only form of transportation before I was married and had kids.  But I never ever took my bike into a store.  That is just bad manners!  If you are stupid enough to leave your bike lock at home, you are stupid enough to get your bike (and jogging stroller) stolen.  And then there were the teenagers buying energy drinks and liquor.  Only one looked old enough to buy the liquor.  Their cart blocked the entire aisle too!  So what does a lady who is obviously nine months pregnant do?  Pushes their cart out of the way with hers, bumper car style.

Why are there so many inconsiderate idiots out today? Is it because I'm just not used to shopping on Saturday night?  Are they always there, but I usually have my kids and am focused on them?