Thursday, November 29, 2012

Missing Camera Woes

The last time I saw my camera, I was making Mark watch a video I made of Shane making Lula laugh.  Neither one of us remembers where he set it down.  Sigh...

I would have taken a picture of his face when he came to bed last night and found his wife and four youngest children, arranged by age, sound asleep in our bed.  That was precious.  Daniel won't sleep without Lula next to him.  Fiona crawled in waiting for Daddy to finish working so he could tuck her in.  Evie got lonely and snuggled up to Fiona and told everyone a story until we all were asleep.  He hated to move the girls to their own beds, but you really can't fit four kids and two adults in a king size and get a good night's sleep.

Another picture I wanted to take was when Jack the Pirate went missing.  We thought he wandered onto the neighbor's property (they have a dog and goat he likes to visit).  But we found him downstairs,  snoring under a blanket by the fire.  All that was showing was his tail!

A picture I would NOT take is the state of my school room.  I started moving some shelving around, so we need to go through the mountain of drawings to choose the keepers.  This task may be complete by Christmas.  My kids are SO creative (I think they are responsible for the death of a small forest just this year).  All they need is access to art supplies and they just create and craft and weave stories about the worlds and creatures they invent.  I especially love when they use concepts and/or vocabulary from science to create creatures and habitats.  IJ has this world that has an abandoned zoo.  He has drawn different zoo displays in various states of ruin where his creatures live camouflaged.  I don't need an art curriculum for our homeschool-just a very high tolerance for mess.

I hope I find my camera today.  It's Evie's 7th birthday!  The two of us are going to bake a cake together and we have a surprise present for her.  I can't wait!