Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Weekend Project

Another weekend, another work-in-progress! Or two....or three...

First, Mark purchased and installed a new computer for me.  This is my first blog post on my new computer.  It is fast, fast, fast!  My digital pictures downloaded so quickly!  I'm taking awhile to figure out where all the buttons and files are; I must be getting old.

Mark also spent most of the weekend burning this stump.  In the rain.  He is a very dedicated stump burner.  When I woke up on Sunday morning and trudged off to the kitchen to make my coffee, he cheerily waved to me through the window, wearing his raincoat and a big smile!
The painting is mostly done.  The shelves have gone back to their original places in the garage and we are going to have to retrain the chicken who thought they would make a nice roosting spot.

Next project: Well, I think we might be caught up.  Knock on wood!