Monday, September 16, 2013

Mellow Yellow

 Last week was so busy!
Sorting foam beads by color in a relish tray
I had multiple errand-running days and the trip to the farm, so we really only had one full day of school.  On top of the errands, we had 90 degree humid heat and Lula came down with roseola-and started cutting molars!  She has been very cranky and clingy.  Daniel's special preschool theme was yellow and rectangle.  We didn't have a chance to stick to a schedule or a routine, but every day was filled with learning opportunities!

Cutting a yellow squash into rectangles
We start every school day with math.  Daniel insists on doing "math" (his word for all things school related) before we are even finished with breakfast!  Thank goodness I have a bunch of preschool activity bags ready to go.  I made them for Shane or Evie from this book that I borrowed from a friend many years ago.

Sorting clothespins by color
Most of the activities are sorting by color or shape.  Daniel knows his colors and shapes, so he doesn't need too much help.  His biggest problem was what to do with the light blue beads.  Did they get their own section or should he put them with the dark blue beads?  He feels like such a big boy doing math at the table with his older brothers, so he works hard and finishes each activity.  My girls tended to wander off and play house.

Shucking yellow corn
My nephew turned three a few weeks ago and started preschool, so I made him his very own box of activity bags.  His bags were new activities that I found just by searching the internet, so I made doubles for Daniel. 
Sorting by size-harder than sorting by color!
Daniel really needs this kind of activity to mellow him out for the day.  If he is left to play, he gets crazy and out of control and loses all respect for other people's personal space.  A nice balance of "school" and a story or two and outdoor play is the only hope for a boy like this.  He is such a great kid when I remember he is not a girl!