Friday, September 6, 2013

Oh, the Power

After the power flickered on and off for a few hours yesterday, it went completely off for a few hours during the electrical storms Western Washington experienced.  We had little rain during the outage and absolutely no wind, so there was nothing to watch outside.  When it got dark, the fun really started!
We rounded up our flashlights, replaced dead batteries, and made plans to have a family slumber party downstairs.  I made a mental note to stock up on bottled water, fuel for the camp tove, and more batteries.
Daniel learned what works and what doesn't work during a power outage.  The same kid who won't run down the hall without the light turned on showed no fear when the entire house was dark! Even Lula had fun stumbling around and crashing into things!
The older kids got costumes on and played flashlight hide-n-seek.  They were having so much fun that when the power came back on...
...I quickly turned off the TV and the downstairs light (the only two things that were on when the power went out) before the kids noticed.  They continued to play for another half hour.  It was the best trick ever!  The rain started in earnest then and continued through the night.  I was awake a lot, mostly worrying about the poor turkeys who have just a small turkey house.  Our carport flooded, but there was no damage.  Boy, was I glad the kids got all the firewood stacked and covered the other day!  We are working hard to teach them to be ants and not grasshoppers.