Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Still Batty

His name is Batty, his logic is erratic, potato in a jacket, toys in the attic... (Anyone else remember Fern Gully?)
Hanging the Bat House
Yesterday we saw a bat crawling up one of the tarps we use to keep the heat out of the house (hey, I'm in the third trimester.  I hate the sun).  It was neat, but we really don't want a bat falling down on someone, forcing them to get rabies shots (it happened to my friend in Whatcom county and the shots made her whole family sick-there is nothing they can do for pregnant women who come in contact with rabid bats).
See the bat on the window ledge?
Mark installed the bat house that we had on the north side of the house right next to the tarp.  Apparently, the bats prefer the south side.  More flying insects perhaps?  Warmer in the evenings?  Anyway, today the bat crawled down between the tarp and the window, giving us a rare opportunity to observe a bat face to face.
You just can't get this close without glass separating you!
Shane was able to point out the unique characteristics of the bat: curved claws for crawling, a webbed tail that not only aids in flying, but also catches insects so they can scoop them into their mouths!  Can you say homeschool biology?
We were also able to see that the bat uses its tail to climb!  The breeze was causing the tarp to sway gently, so the bat seemed a little disoriented...even more so when seven human faces were inches away from his!
A little fly flew past the bats face and he turned and crawled after it...and also out of the hot sun (I don't blame it).  I'm hoping the bat moves into the bat house and not into our attic!