Friday, April 18, 2014

Ninja Star

Ian has developed a healthy interest in weapons (celebrate the boy), specifically throwing stars.  He was supposed to be working on his math, but he got bored and started looking through a book on Ninja weapons we happen to have in our library (like father like son).  At first, Ian starting asking me for climbing spikes so he could climb trees faster.  Then he started asking for throwing stars.  Boy, was he excited when he found out his dad owns quite a few throwing stars already.  And boy, was Mark excited to show Ian how to throw them.  And boy, was I NOT excited to have them putting holes in the doors.
Ian was happy to set up a Ninja Star throwing range by our wood pile using Mark's old target.  He does good work when he is motivated.  And I am happy to support projects that get him out of Nintendo Land.
While he was practicing his throwing and aiming skills, I realized that we were missing another season of baseball.  It's all good.  Even Evie enjoyed throwing stars with her brothers.
The challenge of throwing stars came with the challenge of photographing the stars!  Inside the red circle you can see a bronze-colored blur.  No, really.  It is there!
Ian's bull', dragon eye!