Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Daily Daniel (God Answers His Prayers)

The other day, Daniel watched Anne of Green Gables with me.  What a pal.  The scene where Marilla teaches Anne to pray captivated Daniel.  He asked me so many questions and heard Marilla tell Anne to thank God for her blessings and ask humbly for the things she wanted.  You see, Daniel is obsessed with screens.  Right at this very second, he is hanging on my leg asking if he can type this and insisting that he can spell, "I love you, Mama."  He asks every few minutes if he can watch a movie or play a video game or have a turn on the Leapster.  Its gotten to the point where I have banned screens for him. 

Two days ago over breakfast, he told me he was going to pray.  "What are you going to pray for?" I asked.  "Oh, if I can watch a movie or play a video game...."  I guess he figured that if Mom won't deliver the goods, he could go to the Higher Power and get what he wanted that way.  My facebook friends already know that God said NO to Daniel on the screens...

Photo Bomb!
The weather is warming up and the awful flies are starting to sneak in the door again.  Daniel spied a fly at the top of the window and wanted to kill it.  "Lift me up, Mama!" he said.  When I wouldn't, he quickly closed his eyes and said, "God, please give me wings to I can fly up and kill that fly!"  His eyes flew open and he looked at me expectantly.  "What did God say this time!?!"  After my slow brain processed what he just said, I managed, "He said, 'If I wanted you to fly, you would have been born with wings.'"  Daniel thought that was hilarious and he forgot all about the wings.

This afternoon I got to spend some quality time with him.  He kept me on my toes!  He burned through my preschool cloud making project before Mark even got out the door with the older kids, so I had to keep coming up with things for him to do.  We ended up outside picking flowers and picking up slugs...
A slug taco to keep the slime off his fingers
...and while we were outside, Mina rolled in the mud.  Ew.  One of Daniel's favorite games on the Leapster is giving his virtual animal a bath.  Lucky Daniel got to give his live pet a bath with the hose and then dry her off with a towel.  It was so fun!  And then I felt a glimmer of that joy I've been looking for...