Monday, April 21, 2014

Ten Years Ago

Sometimes I cannot believe how much time has gone by and how fast it went.  Ten years ago, in April of 2004, life was so different!
Ian was still spoiling sibling pictures, only because he was two years old (almost)
Taz was our Pathetic Doberman
Grandad came for the weekend and our calendar was from the Ferndale School District
The T-shirt says it all...Can you believe that was TEN years ago?
I had two babies, just over a year apart...kinda like now I suppose...
This little boy is now celebrating his 16th birthday...and driving!
And this little boy no longer throws temper tantrums like this...but his sister does!
But some things never change...I swear I saw Shane jump on Ian while he was reading just this morning.
Sometimes I really miss the "good ole days" and my babies and the girls when they were younger.  I don't miss the old yucky house.  I do miss my cool rug with leaves.  I don't miss that plastic table cloth.  I do miss the flowering trees Mark worked so hard to cultivate in our front yard (that the new owners cut down).  But most of the time? I guess I'm happy enough right where I am with what blessing I have.  I wonder what life will look like in ten more years?