Sunday, May 3, 2015

Farewell Kinder-garten!

Yesterday, as Mark and I enjoyed our coffee on the school room porch, Mark said, "I think we need to pull down the garden fence and make the play yard bigger."  But that is my Kinder Garten!  For my kids to grow things and then munch on them! So what if it is over run with kale that survived the winter and shot five feet up in the air? That's what we feed the tortoise! Besides, I'm in no condition to bend over and pull the kale myself, I need someone to help me make my kinder garten this year.

This morning, as Mark and I enjoyed our coffee on the school room porch, Mark said, "We really need to make the play yard bigger."  This time I agreed.  Mark set Ian and Shane to work pulling up the kale as soon as he was done taking down the fence...

And now? Oh my, why did we wait so long?  My play yard is so big!  We are thinking about adding a swing set or a smallish picnic table that won't be so tall that you have to get stitches if you fell off.  I spent my afternoon just watching my littlest girls play and play and listening to the birds sing (because that is all you can hear out here).  I love my porch, I love my play yard, and I love my Mark.