Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Family Rambling

Chickens: We had too many chickens and zero eggs, so these old hens and numerous roosters had to go.  We are down to four roosters (I think) and we've butchered about eight old hens, including Strawberry and Henny Penny.  Yes, the old hens that were good broody hens are gone.  I think we are down to 16 chickens, 4 geese, and 2 ducks (we caught an eagle eating our favorite duck, Dracula, today).

Those curls had to go too.  Sigh. 

Spring is coming and so is milder weather.  I cannot stand having the kids on the couch when it isn't raining, so they had to play outside for a little while today.

Shane, Lula, and Ian waaaaay up there
When I was down at the pond taking pictures of the water striders (coming up next) I heard Ian say that he has never been so high before.  I decided that the couch was a safer alternative.

Daffodil sighting!

That's not a good sign... That's our apple tree

Water striders on the pond

The ripples on the pond from the water striders with the tree reflection in focus.
I'm glad we went out this afternoon.  I'm also glad it is midwinter break here and I didn't have to worry about getting schoolwork done.