Friday, February 5, 2016


Jason wants toys! He reaches for them! (Sometimes he falls on his face and a few times we've caught him in an almost crawling position-loudly protesting)

Jason wants food! He squeals and grunts when he sees others with spoons! (He is eating rice cereal mixed with pears or squash and loves it) I need to feed him with two spoons because he keeps grabbing the spoon from my hand.

He does not want a bath when he is done eating though! He hates the water!

And then.... there is....... The Time Machine. Eight kids and still functioning....

AND since little Heidi didn't have her very own time machine post, just like...well, the rest of them except Fiona and Lula, here is Heidi's Time Machine Picture:

(And if you follow the link above to Lula and Daniel's pictures, you will also see a link to the older four kids from 2008)