Thursday, September 22, 2016


I've been battling a virus which seems to have lasted forever.  I took the morning off from homeschooling because my glands are painfully swollen, but I need to keep some semblance of order to keep things from completely falling apart. We've been learning about cells in science and we had our final project: building a candy cell.

Cytoplasm (Jello actually)

These two were so easy compared to their little sisters

This morning I also realized that Jason has reached a whole new level of toddler-crazy.  Like I can't turn my back on him for a minute crazy.  I found him balanced on the arms of two deck chairs outside.  I had only turned my back on him because while vacuuming the sand out of the door track, I saw that all my missing pencils were stuffed down the heater vent.

Securely tied down after climbing out of my backpack and over my head.

But I can't turn my back on Lula or Heidi either!  Lula is like a creative raccoon.  She is always pilfering through places and things and collecting doodads that she weaves into the most beautiful playtime adventures.  You should have seen her last night while she played emergency room with a penguin.  A bottle top was a face mask.  A fake flower was her stethoscope.  The missing kitchen towels were blankets.

Caught eating organelles!

I'm outnumbered. Osgiliath is overrun.  Oh, well! We might as well have fun and eat all the candy!

Nice ribosomes, Daniel!

Heidi's masterpiece

Endoplasmic Reticulum and Ribosomes (AKA Fruit by the Foot and Nerds)

I love the days when I can use my college education.  I don't think my kids care that I can spell all the organelles without looking and I remember what they all do (mostly).  What I do want them to care about though, is learning things that seem useless can be fun.  I learned all about Casting Out Nines this morning.  Totally useless.  In fact, most math is completely useless for the average person.  The only math that average people need is the math they use to run their homes (which includes taxes and banking and business math).  I'm right on the edge of a math rebellion- but that is a post for another day ;)