Thursday, September 1, 2016

High School

Yesterday was a big day.  As big as THIS day.  Yes, Ian has been "public schooled" under the alternative education laws through MP3.  Yes, Ian rode the bus home from track last spring.  Yes, Ian has been to the high school all summer long as part of the football team.  So riding the bus to public school at the high school was nothing too new.

Mark, being a man, didn't realize what a huge deal it would be for me to sleep in and miss the First Day of School picture.  He got to keep Ian all to himself and do morning guy stuff like drink coffee.  Then he drove him to the bus stop.  I had to wait until evening to see Ian and ask how his day was.

Gosh, my boy is handsome.  This year he is taking AP Environmental Science, PE, English, Geometry, Spanish 1, and Art.  He has a previously homeschooled friend in English.  And he was the only one to raise his hand in Geometry to answer simple vocabulary questions. Whether that was because no one knew the answer or Ian doesn't know to not raise his hand remains to be seen.  He has after school football practice for an additional four hours.  His day is long, but he was pretty happy when he got home.

Every time I look at Ian, when he is tossing the football with his dad or just being, I see a double.  I guess it is Mom Vision.  I see the young man that he is, but I still see this guy:

I don't think Mom Vision ever goes away. Oh, my heart.  Anyway, tonight is the first football game of the season.  The football team is required to dress up on game days, so Ian headed out the door this morning looking like a Mormon missionary.  Today is also picture day at school, so we will have a nice wall portrait of Ian wearing a tie.  I am so thankful that 1) I've had teenagers grow up before and 2) I still have little guys underfoot.  This would be far too painful without them.