Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Baby Update, etc.

We had our first pediatrician appointment yesterday and Baby weighed in at 8lbs 4.5oz. So she is finally gaining weight! Her appetite has also increased, which means I am spending more time pumping/syringing than I was before. I'm hoping to get in touch with a La Leche League leader today so we can start working on getting Baby back to the breast peacefully.

Baby has become more aware of her surroundings and likes to look all around at ceilings, lights, and windows. Her favorite time to observe the world is between the hours of 9:00 and 11:00 AT NIGHT when I am exhausted and falling asleep in my chair. With my early bird Child #4 getting up at 5:30 every morning, this means I am really sleep deprived.

Child #3 lost his first tooth yesterday! Last night he carefully placed his tooth on the windowsill in his bedroom so it wouldn't get lost in the blankets. This morning he was surprised with a letter from the Tooth Fairy reminding him to brush two times daily, a new Spiderman toothbrush, and $1.14 in change. He was hoping for a new movie like his big sister once got, but DH explained that the Tooth Fairy pays more for molars without fillings and he will just have to wait and take good care of his teeth. And of course we were asked what the Tooth Fairy does with all the teeth she collects. DH said that she paves her driveway with them. I said she recycles them by planting them in babies' mouths. Child #3 thinks she uses them for money, which makes perfect sense (cents?) to me. She leaves worthless Human money in exchange for Fairy money, like a little banking system! Clever little boy!

Happy belated Mother's Day to all the Mamas out there! Our entire clan, which includes AC#1 (adult child #1), took our annual trip to the beach on Sunday, but the batteries in the camera were dead so we didn't get any family pictures. Oh well, another time! We still had a great time poking around in tide pools and looking under rocks. Child #3 picked up a big purple shore crab, which pinched the palm of his hand and held on tight! We heard him say, "Hey, let go!" and when the crab refused to listen, Child #3 shook his hand until the crab went flying! Child #4 rescued blennies (little eel-like fish) by tossing them into the sea after finding them under rocks. The baby got to breathe the fresh sea air for the first time, which is probably why she starting gaining weight!

I'll have to change those batteries and get some new baby pictures up!