Thursday, May 1, 2008

Welcome to Our World!

Child #6 entered our world yesterday at 3:35 am. The homebirth was an amazing experience; better than I could have ever imagined. This birth, my fourth, was the first one that I felt like I was in control and knew when and how and where I should labor. My midwife, who has been delivering (or catching as they like to say) babies longer than I have been alive, was so supportive and knowledgeable. I felt well taken care of the whole three hours I was in labor.

Yes, three hours of labor. That was all. I could not believe it. I was able to sleep between each contraction until it was time to push. I'm sure the easy labor and quick birth had everything to do with me being in my own home with not a single stranger invading my privacy. Even pushing was peaceful without a line of nurses shouting "Push! Push!"

Where were the other kids? And My Pathetic Doberman? The kids slept through the whole thing. In fact, just before DH and I went to bed that night before my water broke, we discussed what we were going to do with the kids when the time came. I offhandedly said, "Well, hopefully the baby will come tonight, be born by 4:00am, and we won't have to worry about it." And she did! What a good little baby! Even Child #2 heard nothing and was surprised by her dad and new baby sister, two minutes before her alarm clock went off. Now, My Pathetic Doberman did not sleep the whole time. She hung out with DH and the midwife during labor, but when it was time to push, we shut the bedroom door with her on the outside. She stayed patiently outside the door until she heard the first cries...and then started to bark. I told DH to let her in so she wouldn't wake the kids up and she spent the rest of the time curled up by my side of the bed. Which I never let her do.

The Baby and I are now well acquainted, after spending half of last night out in the recliner. She will figure out night and day soon enough I am sure. She is a good nurser-make that a nonstop nurser and is very alert for a newborn. Her brothers and sisters are adjusting nicely; Child #5, being two years old is having a harder time with it.

Enjoy these pictures, plus all those that will come in the coming days.

Proud Dad with the oldest daughter in college and the youngest newborn.

Child #4, our Early Bird, was the first to meet his baby sister.

Child #3 and #5 slept in a little later than usual.

My Pathetic Doberman, what else?

Big Yawn!